Time to Rant Again About Medium’s Lack of A Functional Phone App.

I’ve HAD it! 😡

4 min readAug 23, 2022

Ok. fine..No I Haven’t ….I Don’t Have A Choice….But WHY Medium?! WHY???

I have said this before and I will gripe it again, and I will keep griping about it, until the modern era has kicked Medium’s thick skull in the brain again, so it finally realizes that :

“Hey!🤔😐 I guess it IS OK to have a fully functional app on our writers’ phones.”

I just don’t understand it.

Medium used to provide a fully functional phone app, you could write, edit, add photos, respond, and clap and everything all on the app. It was wonderful. It was delightful. It was perfection. in an app.

Now, it’s like the iron curtain of creativity. 😐

You can only read, and maybe clap.

You MAY NOT create. That is not allowed.

If you want to create, you must be on a laptop. ONLY .

If you respond to anything, they will not tell you tomorrow, what you actually responded to, to cut down on the inter- communication between workers clearly.

So you better have a memory like a steal trap.

For an app that still supposedly celebrates, and advocates creativity, and writing, it seems completely backwards to not permit the flow through an everyday, everyman device.




Nomadic procrastinator suffering from run-on sentences-caught btwn a 9 -5; an exp passport; a 30 yr mtg;+a dog who has sep. anxiety when no oxford comma is used