What Doorman Is On Duty On Friday Nights?

4 min readJun 25, 2022

Um, so I got home, about an hour ago, I hadn’t eaten much all day, nice, and exhausted. I sat down to eat dinner with my spouse.

And then a llama appeared out of nowhere.

He was wearing knee-high socks -(unmatching) on all four legs, and had, or I guess was carrying, an enormous hiking bag that was strapped to his back.

Did I say a llama? Yah. A llama.😐

My spouse looked up from their computer, and said,

“ Oh yeah, that arrived for you today.”

I was like:

“what the -

But being a good host, I asked the llama if uh, he/she? Would like to join us for dinner,

(Frankly ive never spoken to a llama, and that was all I could really think of.)

My spouse again looked up and said

“I already asked him. He said he ate at Chipotle before getting here and wasn’t hungry.”

“ I have ice cream for you.” Blurted out the llama.



(um..Uh huh🙄..😐..ok. sure. of course you do)

Ok wow thank you so much mr llama”, I managed to muster.

(whatever. ice cream. sure.)

“Is that what they eat where you come from?”

(Wherever that is?🙄) realizing , of course as soon as I said it, it was probably somehow…




Nomadic procrastinator suffering from run-on sentences-caught btwn a 9 -5; an exp passport; a 30 yr mtg;+a dog who has sep. anxiety when no oxford comma is used