1 min readJun 17, 2020


Lol well all I can say about the comments on the article is that a bunch of socialistic-wanna be, finger pointers agree with you!

Look, yes I might sadly wince at the possibility, of another recession, which I knew would be in the cards after trump went and lifted all the regulations so the market could let its freak flag of corruption fly. But historically Covid or not, recessions happen every 10 years anyway.

We have have a 12 year sweet bull market, probably extended bc of the regulations lifting😬 as stated above.

But, still, if I get the chance,

every time im going to bet on America.

And I’m also going to store up some cash to buy up everything at the next garage sale.

Which is exactly what you ask should be doing too.




Nomadic procrastinator suffering from run-on sentences-caught btwn a 9 -5; an exp passport; a 30 yr mtg;+a dog who has sep. anxiety when no oxford comma is used